Saw Accessories

MagSwitch 81101375 Drill Press Fence

MagSwitch 81101375 Drill Press Fence


The Magswitch Drill Press Fence features a solid steel fence that firmly attaches to any ferrous metal worktable via its two adjustable mag jig sw...

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King 10-15021410 Bandsaw Miter Gauge

King 10-15021410 Bandsaw Miter Gauge


This aluminum miter gauge has all the features of a great crosscutting aid. It has adjustable stops at both 45° marks Many detents along the gaug...

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SawStop TSA-RG Revolution Miter Gauge

SawStop TSA-RG Revolution Miter Gauge


SawStop’s new patent-pending Revolution Miter Gauge delivers unmatched precision and accuracy with the spin of a dial. Intuitive, tool-free adjustm...

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SawStop TSA-SG Scale Miter Gauge

SawStop TSA-SG Scale Miter Gauge


Engineered to bring can’t-miss accuracy to any table saw, the Scale Miter Gauge (SMG) features a protractor head with a pointer-and-notch alignment...

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JessEm 04600 Rout-R-Fence II

JessEm 04600 Rout-R-Fence II


The most advanced router table fence in its price range. The Rout-R-Fence II looks as beautiful as its functions and features a new cam locking fa...

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King KRF-H50 50" Rail Package for KC-10HCX

King KRF-H50 50" Rail Package for KC-10HCX


Designed to increase the rip capacity from 30" to 50" Front bar with 50" ruler & rear bar included Fits KC-10HCX
